Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

I'm not my students first or only foreigner teacher. My school has had at least 3 or 4 past ETAs, plus they have foreign teachers at hagwon. Consequently, American culture is nothing new to them. And they're no dummies; they know Halloween means candy and fun. Some ETAs are really into Halloween: they went all out on candy, decorations, and lesson planning. I'm very low-key when it comes to Halloween, but I did give the kids a Halloween lesson. I told them there were three things for Halloween: Jack o'Lanterns, Costumes, and Trick or Treat... I inspired some kids to think outside the box....

Best drawn pumpkin and costume!

Victory (aka V.I., Big Bang member) is apparently known for bags under his eyes,
which makes him look like a panda...

(1) Jack o'Lanterns are pumpkins with faces.
I debated about teaching this word, as it will be near useless to them for vocabulary. However, it was a good pronunciation lesson, as there's no phonetic tricks to pronouncing it. I showed a powerpoint of the parts of a jack o'lantern face and then different types of faces. The students then drew their own pumpkins and wrote (helper vocab):
My jack o'lantern is ________ (smiling, happy, sad, spooky, scary, hungry).
My jack o'lantern has _____ __________. (big, small, triangle, circle) (eyes, nose, mouth).

pumpkin with glasses, bling bling pretty pumpkin, pirate pumpkin, rabbit pumpkin

2 of my favorite pumpkins: 'Sick Pumpkin' drawn by a student wearing a
face mask and 'Sunflower Pumpkin' drawn by student who I always
call Sunflower(for the sunflower design on her glasses)

(2) Costumes. Children wear cute costumes; adults wear scary costumes.
This was better explained by showing them different types of costumes, from a simple witch costume to Wonder Woman. Like the pumpkins, they drew a costume, then wrote:
For Halloween, I want to be ________ because ___________________.

An egg ghost, Haggis (Magic Pantie) Woman, kimchi fridge, vampire

(3) Trick or Treat
Treat simply means candy, but trick was harder to explain. Until ABC removed the Scarecrow Smackdown video, I used the video to explain. A man dressed a scarecrow lies still with the candy bowl waiting to scare trick or treaters, until the trick's on him.... the kids thought the video was hilarious!

Baskin Robbins celebrates Halloween too...

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